Our Services
Our multi-disciplinary team has expertise in a diverse range of evaluation and technical assistance areas.
- Evaluation for Social Impact and Community Change Initiatives: We take into account the complex dynamics in every community and use an equity lens to shape our evaluations.
- Developmental Evaluation: Our team has expertise in conducting developmental evaluation (DE) for large and small projects. Through DE, we elevate real-time learnings and important dynamics that support implementers to make data-informed decisions about their strategies and interventions.
- Technical Assistance and Capacity Building: We provide highly customized technical assistance to build the capacity of organizations, coalitions and community members. Our approach is grounded in social justice values and commitment to prioritizing community wisdom.
- Program Design and Evaluation: We work with program staff to develop practices that harness the strengths and resources of the organization as well as develop a meaningful narrative to describe the strengths and accomplishments of programs and services.
- Community Assessments: We work with residents, organizations, and funders to collect data that accurately reflects the strengths, resources, and needs in specific communities. We work closely with local stakeholder to ensure the narrative around the data is aligned their priorities and lived experiences.
- Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) and Participatory Action Research (PAR): We partner with community members to use their expert knowledge of their community and develop research methods that best suit their research needs. Guidance and training are provided to community members throughout the research process as needed.
- Meeting/Planning Facilitation: We are available to facilitate meetings and planning sessions tailored to the client’s planning purpose, goals, and outcomes.
- Curriculum Development: We develop and implement curriculum to be used for research, evaluation and policy advocacy trainings.
- Logic Models: We use a highly interactive approach to engage staff in diagramming their program’s logic and outcomes. This training is effective at developing a shared vision, creating buy-in for evaluation, and elevating key questions or learnings.
- Data Collection: We train organization staff and community members on basic data collection methods, such as focus groups, key informant interviews, and surveys. We can also assist with participatory approaches such as PhotoVoice and Asset Mapping.
- Evaluation Basics: We de-mystify the evaluation process, discuss ways to engage all stakeholders in evaluation and support you in prioritizing your evaluation needs.
- Customized: We can work with you to create a customized training that addresses your specific evaluation or research needs. We excel at developing trainings that are responsive to nuanced community contexts and that help audiences to identify key actions.