SSG Research and Evaluation Team
Special Service for Groups Research and Evaluation Team (SSG R&E) applies rigorous techniques in evaluation, community research, public health and planning with cultural sensitivity and deep community roots to help organizations, philanthropy and public agencies make greater impact.
We unlock the power of data and information to improve programs, move social justice agendas and support movement building.
We specialize in helping our clients move from conceptualization to action in ways that are measureable and meaningful.
NOTICE: SSG Research & Evaluation Team does not conduct random or unsolicited research activities with the public and rarely works outside of Southern California. We also work almost exclusively with and through other organizations. If you have received a request to participate in the mail, email, Facebook, or text from SSG Research & Evaluation, you should regard whatever you received as a scam. We are investigating these messages, have reported them to the authorities, and can assure you that if our name is being used it is not with our knowledge or consent.