We Stand with the Black Community and Protestors

At SSG Research & Evaluation, we are saddened and angered by the recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. While we understand these are just a few of the most recent senselessly violent displays of racist policing on the Black community, we felt compelled to outwardly take a stand in solidarity with the Black community and the protestors who are elevating the issue of racism that has been long rooted in American history. We firmly believe that Black lives matter and that we have a duty in our personal work and professional lives to show that we stand strong in that belief. 

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Support for DACA: We Stand with Undocumented Immigrants

We stand with undocumented immigrants as the Trump administration plans to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This is a difficult time for many of us as our family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors are affected by this act of discrimination. To do our part, we have compiled a list of organizations and resources to help protect and assist Dreamers at this time. It is highly advised to seek legal advice and support from immigration experts if you are a DACA recipient or want to renew your DACA application before October 5th.

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Deserving Veterans’ Disability Compensation: A Qualitative Study of Veterans’ Perceptions

SSG R&E would like to share the following article written by our Senior Research Analyst, Dr. Casey MacGregor.

The article is based on a study out of her dissertation research with young Veterans trying to receive disability compensation from the VA. The findings include the complexity of trying to "prove" disability when wounds and conditions are not visible or easily verified.


For further inquiries, please email [email protected]. Thank you.

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Eight Key Actions to get the most out of Technical Assistance (TA)

Community-based organizations receive technical assistance (TA) for a variety of needs, such as board development, leadership skills and evaluation. Nearly all organizations are open to the idea of additional help and expertise. However, many community-based organizations (CBOs) have had little experience working with technical assistance providers and often come to us with questions about how to get the most out of TA. In this post we’re consolidating more than a decade of expertise providing technical assistance with hundreds of CBOs to demystify the TA process.

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Report on National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Outreach Partnership Program Annual Meeting

SSG R&E represented the Southern California Region during the annual NIMH Outreach Partnership Program conference at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda in July 2016.

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Reducing mental health disparities from the ground up

The SSG Research and Evaluation Team has a long-standing history of providing technical assistance (TA) and evaluation capacity building to community based organizations.

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