Asian & Pacific Islander Implementation Pilot Projects (IPPs)

Hmong Cultural Center of Butte County

Hmong.pngCDEP Name: Zoosiab

Ethnicity.pngEthnicity: Hmong

Age_Group.pngAge Group: Elders (50 years +)

Language-Dialect.png Language/Dialect: Hmong

Gender.pngGender: Male/ Female                                     

Religion-Spirituality.png Religion/ Spirituality: Homng, shamanism      

Location.png Location: Butte County


Hmong Cultural Center of Butte County (HCCBC) is an organization based in Oroville, California. The organization has been serving the community since 2000 with the mission to improve the lives of individuals and families through culturally sensitive education, advocacy, support and services. The organization’s core values are cultural diversity, respect, accountability, trust, integrity and collaboration and networking.  HCCBC was established to support Hmong families by promoting cross-cultural awareness through education and advocacy. The organization is a family strengthening organization working to improve the quality of life of the Hmong culture and families. Family dynamics are an important consideration for all decisions and actions for this community; as a result, the programs provided by HCCBC include the consideration of the families of all individuals served. HCCBC has a governing board of five community members. Their proposed CDEP program is called Zoosiab. 

Muslim American Society-Social Services FoundationMuslim_American.jpg
CDEP Name: Shifa for Today

Ethnicity.pngEthnicity: South Asian

Age_Group.pngAge Group: Adults and Youth

Language-Dialect.png Language/Dialect: Bengali, Farsi-Dari, Hindi-Urdu, Gujarati, Hindko, Kutchi, Pashto, Punjabi, Sindhi, Sinhala, and Tamil

Gender.pngGender: Male/ Female                                     

Religion-Spirituality.png Religion/ Spirituality: Islam                         

Location.png Location: Sacramento Area


Muslim American Society – Social Services Foundation (MAS-SSF) is a nonprofit that aims to aid families at large and the Muslim community in particular with their social service needs. The organization is supported by volunteers and donors with one employed staff member, the Executive Director. The proposed CDEP, Shifa for Today, aims to address mental health needs of South Asian Muslims (SAMs). Data is not accurate; however, estimates are that about 120,000 SAMs are in the Sacramento, Central valley, Los Angeles, Inland Empire and San Diego areas. SAMs have suffered historical/intergenerational, cultural and political traumas, putting them at increased risk for severe mental illness. SAMs tend to be underserved due to lack of culturally, linguistically and spiritually/religiously sensitive mental health services; fear of seeking services due to Islamophobia; and the presence of cultural stigma against seeking help.  Many SAMs have experienced trauma in their countries of origin and experience continued trauma in the United States – experiences of abuse, displacement and trauma.  Studies conducted in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom show SAMs have an increased risk of developing anxiety, PTSD, depression, emotional distress and suicide.  Gender discrimination and shaming/threats of shaming are also sources of trauma for individuals in this community, especially among women.

Cambodian Association of AmericaCambodian.png
CDEP Name: API Strength-Based Community Wellness Program (API-SBCWP)



Age_Group.pngAge Group: TAY (16-24), Adults (25-60) & Older Adults (60+)

Language-Dialect.png Language/Dialect: Khmer, Hmong, Lao, Vietnamese, Spanish and English 

Gender.pngGender: Male/ Female                                     

Religion-Spirituality.png Religion/ Spirituality: Buddhism 

Location.png Location: Long Beach and Santa Ana


Cambodian Association of America (CAA) is a nonprofit organization based in Long Beach, California with over forty years of experience in providing human and social services to low-income, ethnically diverse residents.  CAA and its Cambodian Advocacy Collaborative (CAC) which includes 4 additional nonprofit agencies as partners proposed API-SBCWP to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate mental health services in Long Beach and Santa Ana, California. The other partner organizations are United Cambodian Community (UCC), Khmer Parents Association (KPA), Families in Good Health (FiGH), and The Cambodian Family (TCF). The CAC partners bring an additional 30 years of experience in providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services in Khmer, Hmong, Lao, Vietnamese, Spanish and English. The API-SBCWP program focuses on the Cambodian population which has experienced significant physical health, mental health, socioeconomic and educational disparities. Many of the older adults in this community lived through the “Killing Fields,” the genocide that took place from 1975-1979. The impacts of torture from this experience, trauma from the refugee experience, and resettlement have contributed to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), emotional distress, depression, memory loss, concentration problems and learning difficulties. While decades have passed since the war and genocide in Cambodia, a RAND study (from 2005) involving Long Beach Cambodians reflected rates as high as 62% of the population meeting the DSM-IV diagnosis criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and 51% meeting criteria for major depression. The trauma experienced by these elders have become multigenerational and are compounded by poverty and financial hardships, challenges with acculturation, inadequate parenting skills, low academic achievement and poor academic support, neighborhood crime and violence and a lack of social support. The CAC proposes the API Strength Based Community Wellness Program (API –SBCWP), a community centered and strength-based Prevention and Early Intervention Community Defined Evidence Project (PEI CDEP).  The collaborative has partnered with the Center for Health Equity Research at California State University Long Beach (CHRE CSULB) to conduct the local evaluation. 

East Bay Asian Youth CenterEast_Bay.jpg


Ethnicity.pngEthnicity: Hmong, lu-Mien, Lao

Age_Group.pngAge Group: Youth (14-18)

Language-Dialect.png Language/Dialect: Hmong, Cantonese

Gender.pngGender: Male/ Female                                     

Religion-Spirituality.png Religion/ Spirituality: Not specified

Location.png Location: Sacramento Area


The East Bay Asian Youth Center (EBAYC) was founded in 1976 as the “Asian Drop-in Center” for Asian American youth in South Berkeley. The organization grew and expanded to Oakland in 1988 to address the growing race- and gang-related violence among Southeast Asian youth.  For over 39 years, EBAYC has created a space for youth where they can share and affirm their experiences, providing culturally-responsive and language-appropriate case management services for Southeast Asian youth and their families. In 2013, EBAYC expanded its services to Sacramento. GroundWork is EBAYC’s community-defined evidence practice focusing on counseling for high-risk Hmong, Iu-Mien, and Laotian youth ages 14 to 18 in Sacramento. The mental health needs of Southeast Asian youth, and particularly Hmong youth, are often overlooked and misunderstood. Survey data show that Southeast Asian youth may face inadequate bi-cultural and cross-cultural navigation skills, family conflict and poor/inconsistent family management practices, transgenerational trauma, declined commitment to school, and emerging aggressive problem behaviors. EBAYC focuses on supporting youth by building critical protective factors, offering sustained relationships with supporting and caring adults, promoting positive cultural identity and knowledge, and facilitating access to family support services for local area youth.

The Fresno Centerfnca-300x300.jpg
CDEP Name: Southeast Asian Cross Cultural Counseling Model


Ethnicity.pngEthnicity: Hmong, Laotian, Cambodian

Age_Group.pngAge Group: Adults

Language-Dialect.png Language/Dialect: White Hmong, Blue Hmong, Lao, Khmer

Gender.pngGender: Not Specified                                     

Religion-Spirituality.png Religion/ Spirituality: Animism, Buddhism, Ancestor Worship         

Location.png Location: Fresno, Merced, and San Joaquin Counties


Fresno Center for New Americans (FCNA) was established in Fresno in 1991 with the mission to Empower new Americans. FCNA serves as the lead on the Southeast Asian Mental Health Collaborative (SEA MHC) which partners with Lao Family of Merced and Lao Family Community Empowerment. The collaborative has over 50 years of combined experience providing culturally appropriate services to the underserved Southeast Asian community in Fresno, Merced and San Joaquin counties. The project aims to serve Cambodian, Hmong (white and blue), Laotian individuals. Clients are refugees from Southeast Asia (SEA) who have had limited exposure to Western culture. Many of the clients do not read or write in their own native language or in English. Common diagnoses reported for SEA clients seen through FCNA are depressive disorder (55%), anxiety (13%), post-traumatic stress disorder (25%) and persistent depressive disorder (7%). The project aims to address delayed reluctance to seek help, suicidal ideation, social disconnection, fear of community engagement, a belief that one’s destiny is predetermined, acculturation issues, relationship problems, and a sense of hopelessness, helplessness and powerlessness.

Asian American Recovery Services,Asian_American.png

A Program of HealthRIGHT 360

CDEP Name: Essence of MANA



Ethnicity.pngEthnicity: Samoan, Tongan

Age_Group.pngAge Group: Adult Caregivers and Youth (3-17)

Language-Dialect.png Language/Dialect: Samoan, Tongan

Gender.pngGender: Not Specified                                     

Religion-Spirituality.png Religion/ Spirituality: No Specified                      

Location.png Location: San Mateo County


Asian American Recovery Services (AARS)- A Program of HealthRight 360 (HR360) – : Asian American Recovery Services (AARS) was founded in 1985 to address the rising substance abuse rates among Asians and Pacific Islanders in the San Francisco Bay Area. The agency has grown and expanded and now serves thousands of people throughout San Francisco, Santa Clara and San Mateo counties. In 2014, HealthRight 360 (HR360) merged with AARS. HR360 provides integrated health care services to disenfranchised and vulnerable community members, includes those experiencing homelessness, substance use disorder and/or mental illness.  AARS has been providing services in San Mateo county since 1998. The program aims to reach caregivers and youth (ages 3-17) who are Samoan and Tongan in North San Mateo county. AARS believes it takes a village to raise a child and create change in their community. They began conversations on taboo topics that impact their community wellness including: domestic violence, rape/molestation, substance abuse, and mental and physical health. Through conversation, education and resource building, all parts of the family can begin a healing process to wellness.”

Korean Community ServicesKCS-Logo-300x107.jpg
CDEP Name: Community Health Workers


Ethnicity.pngEthnicity: Korean and Vietnamese

Age_Group.pngAge Group: Adults

Language-Dialect.png Language/Dialect: Korean and Vietnamese

Gender.pngGender: Not Specified                                     

Religion-Spirituality.png Religion/ Spirituality: Buddhism, Catholicism, and Christianity      

Location.png Location: Orange County


Korean Community Services (KCS) began in 1977 out of the vision of an immigrant church to provide social services and community outreach to the influx of Koreans coming to Southern California. KCS has become the largest  Orange County Korean multi-service agency providing an array of behavioral health, public health and social services to Korean community members, and the community at large. KCS’ primary services area is Orange County, with offices in Buena Park, Fullerton, Garden Grove and Irvine. KCS proposes to partner with the Southland Integrated Services, Inc. (SIS) a Vietnamese focused nonprofit that has also evolved over the last 30 years from a refugee resettlement agency. Today the organization continues to provide social services and has also become a federally qualified health center, through its Southland Health Center. SIS’s areas of focus are Santa Ana, Garden Grove and Westminster.