Agustin Ruelas – Research Analyst:

Agustin joined SSG December 2015 as a Research Analyst and is currently supporting a number of research projects in and around Los Angeles. He has over a decade of experience working in the nonprofit field at several Los Angeles based organizations focusing on community development and community economic development as well as having experience in social enterprise business development. After receiving his Bachelor's degree from Cal State LA he completed 2 consecutive years as part of the Public Allies Los Angeles fellowship working both at the East LA Community Corporation (ELACC) and Community Development Technologies Center (CDTech), respectively. He stayed on at CDTech for three years as a Leadership Development Coordinator, which included supporting nearly 90 young community leaders completing CDTech's Public Allies program, coordinating community development projects, and leading the development of the Central Avenue Business Association in South Los Angeles.


During that time he also completed a Master’s degree in Community Economic Development. From 2010 to 2015 Agustin contributed to developing the infrastructure of Community Asset Development Re-Defining Education (CADRE) to strengthen the organization to become more effective at organizing parents, making schools accountable and influencing/changing education policy. Agustin’s efforts in organizational building/infrastructure development processes solidified the organization’s foundation.

As an entrepreneur he has and continues to work on community based business projects with Los Angeles based nonprofit organizations as well as other entrepreneurs. Agustin is also a home brewer and with his group, Brewjeria Company, has donated beer to more than a dozen charities for their fundraising efforts, including SSG.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (213) 223-0619